At times, we all need a little help to develop and maintain the mindset to thrive.

Step 1

Watch the recording below from our most popular online workshop - Maintaining Positivity


Step 2

Below you will find some of our positive mental attitude resources, mentioned in the video above. Use these resources to become more self-aware, reflect and improve your ability to remain in a positive mindset more of the time.


equipped2succeed Framework Reflection

Take time to reflect positively on how you already demonstrate the 12 equipped2succeed attributes.

Identify your strengths both personally and professionally. Consider you’re thinking, attitude and behaviours.

Reflect on how your thoughts, words and actions can remain more positive more of the time.

positive thinking

Passing the Positive

You can do this with friends, family or colleagues; either digitally or in person. Put your name in the middle then pass it on for someone to add a positive quality about you. Keep passing it on until your ball is full. Of course, make sure you add positive qualities to the other peoples’ beach balls, who you are doing this with.

Please don’t underestimate the power of sharing positive qualities about those around you and receiving positive comments back.


9 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

Practising gratitude is an important ingredient in our positivity toolkit. Of these, choose one or two at a time to practice.

Like with any new habit, we are more likely to be successful if we make small consistent changes. Get really great at one before adding in another.

It’s far more beneficial to do one thing well than spread yourself too thinly.


Gratitude Now - Gratitude Intentions

Use this template to identify what you are grateful for now and what you intend to be grateful for in the future.

It is a simple concept, but the benefit of practising gratitude is affirming and life-changing.


Positive Mental Attitude - Daily Routines

Choose one or two from the 17 Daily Routines to add into your day to remain in a positive mental attitude.

Like with any new habit, we are more likely to be successful if we make small consistent changes. Get really great at one before adding in another.


Step 3

Guided e2s Relaxation, Visualisation and Mental Rehearsal (R-V-MR)


Use the e2s guided Relaxation, Visualisation and Mental Rehearsal to practise focussing on what we want to happen and creating positive interactions with others.

It is important to practise R-V-MR daily. Like any skill, you need to practise in order to become good at it and see the full benefits.

The more you practise the easier it becomes, and you’ll soon develop your own version.